Friday, January 27, 2006

I've given the face some attention and decided the whole thing was far too brown.....really obvious now I think about it. Anyway...

2006 Jan M

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

...I'm trying to find some time to still work on an old game idea I've had for a while now. Here'a quick character idea which I'm going to start adding some color to soon. Criticism please!...otherwise I learn nothing ...

2006 Jan - M

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Thicker than water....

An old photo I found from the early seventies ... Boris and I had a mutual love and respect for eachother, even then. I think Stephen would always come to feel left out, but it was for his own good ... In those days, anything seemed possible ...

(2000) Left 2 Right: Markus F Norman, Stephen Delany Simmons & Boris T Hiestand. M

Thursday, January 05, 2006

And another. And just to explain ... It's 2 squirrels making a mole machine out of ... metal stuff. Ok? .... good ...
Another concept from the same project ...
Oh, and this is the Sushi Bar ... This piece, The Sushi Chef and The Sewer were all concepts I did for a game back in 2003. It never made it to publication unfortunately ... but it was great fun to work on. Set in 1950's America, one of my favourite style periods. And no...they never had sushi bars back then ...

Hey, it's a sewer... whaddaya know...
(2002) M

It's a f**kin' Sushi Chef Firchrissakes....
(2002) M
Mr. Craig Mullins ( ) inspired me to start speed here's my first attempt (2003). It's great practice for loosening you up...It's not as easy as you might think. Be strict with yourself I also limited myself to just a plain round brush also... set yourself a time and go for ye life!
(2003) M
Concept of a character from a game I worked on....
(2005) M

Benson the Dog ... this was a commission job for a friend of the family, whom I've never met. So he ain't no friend o' mine ...
(2005) M
Just a little something between jobs at work. He's also begun life in 3d, and if I get enough time to dedicate to it then you'll see him soon aswell...
(2005) M
OK well I'm gonna start this all off with some old bits and pieces being that I've been far too busy at work to have anything particulary new for you. So ... here is a study I did from a Lucy Liu photoshoot in photoshop. If I say anything else I'm sure I'll end up lying to you...and you, my audience can rest assured that I would never do such a, let the blogging begin...
(2004) M

Hey dere!

Welcome to my blog fuggas!...hopefully I'll work this out soon and get some posts up.

Check BEK soon.....